Entrusted with the drafting of the regulatory plan and energy-environmental planning document of the Central Adriatic Sea Authority

The path that will lead to the arrival of the Port system master plan. The technical service for the drafting of the Plan that will design the future of the ports of the Central Adriatic Sea: Ancona-Falconara Marittima, Pesaro, San Benedetto del Tronto in the Marche, Pescara e Ortona in Abruzzo.

An important step taken by entrusting it to a temporary business grouping made up of seven companies headed by Modimar srl in Rome.

The future of the Adriatic ports starts from here

Il Port system master plan will de facto define the guidelines for the future of the ports of this specific geographical area in an integrated system optics.

The aim will be to respond to development opportunities in a coordinated way with the territory to ensure, in the port area, one sustainable, economic, social and environmental development, in line with the objectives issued by Europe.

The technical services required by the announcement - as specified in the press release issued in recent days - concern the strategic planning and updating of the individual port regulatory plans, the environmental report of Vas-Strategic Environmental Assessment, the technical-scientific coordination of the system port regulatory plan (Prsp) with the necessary technical support to reach the final approval, and the updating of the Environmental Energy Planning Document.

Green and technological development at the center

The update of the energy-environmental planning document will start from a mapping of the current state of the ports and their production characteristics to define the development lines for the next few years, laying the foundations on a path based on the medium-long term.
This will foresee the framework of the energy consumption of the current and future Adsp also placing the accent on the use of new technologies and with a focus mainly oninnovation of the Italian port system.