After more than a decade, work on the Ortona seabed can begin

It took 12 years but we're here: the process dredging in the port area of ​​Ortona was finally concluded with the signature, which arrived in recent days, between Municipality of Ortona andati, the temporary business association led by Dragaggi. The agreement was signed in the presence of the port commander Dario Ambrosino, the president ofPort system authority of the central Adriatic Sea Vincenzo Garofalo and representatives of the Abruzzo region Mauro Febbo and Daniele D'Amario.
The contract for the seabed excavation works was financed in 2013 by the regional council as part of the PAR FAS 2007-2013 programme; The 9.350.000,00 euro loan was granted to the Municipality of Ortona as implementing body.

Clear times: 150 days from April

The excavation operations must be completed by a maximum of 150 days starting from April, the period set for the start of the works.
An intervention of apical importance, also underlined with satisfaction by the Adsp president Garofalo which talks about the port of Ortona as «an airport with a great liveliness that needed to be rewarded with new and important investments that we are making. Similarly to the dredging, among other things, the intervention on the structure, now abandoned, which stands near the headquarters of the Port Authority will also arrive in 2024. A six million euro investment".

An investment of fundamental importance

A work of fundamental importance for the port of Ortona, slowed down by bureaucracy, controversies and disputes but which can finally see the light.
Il dredging in port areas it in fact represents a strategic asset at the level Environmental Sustainability e infrastructure: an investment that will place Ortona in an even more important position within trade to and from the Adriatic Sea: a real bridge between East and West, destined to grow and develop further over the next few years.

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