Visit by Minister Carfagna to Ortona in recent days: on the table ZES and future investments in the port area

The visit of recent days by the Minister for Territorial Cohesion and the South, Mara Carfagna, at the Port of Ortona, has put on the plate a series of hot topics that we have been addressing on this blog for several months: all inexorably linked SEZ and to necessary investments to be implemented onport area of ​​Ortona, one of the most important in the Adriatic.

They are just under twenty - as confirmed by Carfagna - the millions arriving for the Port of Ortona as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan; an important figure that will allow the airport to start releasing the unexpressed potential despite the constant growth of recent years.

Objective: to facilitate investments in the area

Strengthening and implementation of the Port of Ortona but not only: also the reforms contained in the Simplification Decree being examined by the Chambers was the subject of many issues touched upon by the Carfagna in the visit "Of symbolic opening of the works" carried out ad Ortona; the goal is to make not only more convenient, but also easier to invest in Zes areas.

La Six actually represents, as already explained , promising in recent months, a great opportunity for Abruzzo and central Italy, an opportunity to be seized and optimized to the maximum in conjunction with the PNRR.

Ball to local institutions

Now it will be absolutely fundamental - as specified by the same Carfagna - the work ofregional administration and municipal administrations, therefore, of local institutions, so that this money can be spent quickly, efficiently, effectively and precisely.

Always there Carfagna promises maximum vigilance also on the honesty that must be the basis of those who will be called to handle such an important sum of money that will represent a key driver for Port of Ortona.