Italy can start again from the sea

In an incredibly stormy Italian political season, a very fitting metaphor, with vicissitudes that from the Covid-19 pandemic, the leitmotiv that has accompanied us in spite of ourselves for 12 months, saw the agenda setting shift at the same time to a government crisis that could be prevented, but at the same time announced, from the Italian coasts, from the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic, winds of ideas arrive with an eye to the economic and structural future of the Italian state. The cry is in unison and reads: "Give priority to the economy of the sea".

After the storm, the calm always comes, the important thing is to resist and be ready

In such a tearing period, the serene is represented by the sea. The sea, however, is to be understood as the economic sector that it represents and, together with this, from all the increasing inputs dictated by the port and maritime companies that at this juncture even hoped for the composition of a new ministry, a special ministry dedicated exclusively to this sector . Thinking about it, it would not have been a utopia at all: just think that the port or maritime sector is one of the main hooks of the Italian economy, capable of holding up even to a destructive 2020. Having collapsed, at least temporarily, the hypothesis of forming the aforementioned ministry, we must not miss the opportunity dictated by the Recovery Plan. The projects of the economy of the sea, from the port sector up to the logistics sector, passing through the maritime one, must therefore necessarily be put into operation in the Next Generation EU.

The sea as a lifeline.

The maritime sector must therefore be placed in a position of absolute centrality in the debate on the priority interventions that the country needs. The infrastructural choices, the port governance reform and a digitization that is able once and for all to contain the negative impact of bureaucracy on the efficiency of the port sector: these are the macro-areas on which the wind of the sea, a wind that, precisely in this period, has no intention of ceasing, indeed, continues to blow stronger than ever, also driving the economy of a country in pieces due to the pandemic emergency.